Download Information

Is there anything I should do before I download?
For best download performance and to protect the integrity of the downloaded file, please disable or suspend any of the following before you download:
  • Firewall – A firewall can prevent you from downloading a file.
  • Anti-Virus Programs – Anti-virus programs scan downloaded files and can stop a download. As a result, the file may not download or can become corrupted or damaged.
  • Download Monitors – Programs such as GoZilla!™ and NetZip are not compatible with our server and can stop a download.
  • Screen Saver – Screen savers have been known to interfere with a download or affect system performance during a download. We recommend you disable your screen saver before you download.

If you need more assistance disabling one of the products listed above, please contact the manufacturer's technical support.

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How do I download my purchase?

To download your purchase, go to the My Licenses section of the Kaspersky Protection Center and click on Add device under the product license you would like to download. Then click the Download button.

If you have more questions or need help with your download, please contact Technical Support using the information below.

Technical support email:

Technical support URL:

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Is downloading the same as installing?
No. A download is a simple file transfer. An install is the unpacking and loading of the software on your computer. Most software will walk you through the install process after you download.

For assistance with the installation, use, or uninstallation of your software, please contact Technical Support using the information below.

Technical support email:

Technical support URL:

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What if the download stops before it completes?
If your download stops or is interrupted before it completes, simply click the Begin Download button again and the download should resume where it left off. If you need to get to the download page click here to look up your order.

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I finished downloading my purchase. Where was the file saved?
The file was saved in the default "Save As" location specified by your browser, or the location you selected in the "Save As" window that appeared when the download began. If you know the name of the download file, you can search for the file on your computer.

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How can I re-download software that I have already purchased?

To download your purchase, go to the My Licenses section of the Kaspersky Protection Center and click on Add device under the product license you would like to download. Then click the Download button.

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How do I get a physical version of my downloaded product?
Unfortunately, we cannot exchange a downloaded product for a physical version of the same product. To obtain a physical product you must place a new order for the physical product.

If you want to purchase a BackUp CD for the downloaded products in a completed order, you must look up your order and complete an additional purchase.

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How do I get my serial number or unlock code?

To get your serial number or activation code, go to the My Licenses section of the Kaspersky Protection Center and click on Details button under the product license you are looking for.

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What do I do if my serial number or unlock code is not working?
First, make sure you have the correct serial number or unlock code. You can get your serial number or unlock code from the Order Confirmation email that was sent when the order was submitted, or by looking up your order.

Second, please note that serial numbers, registration numbers, unlock codes, and passwords are usually case-sensitive. Make sure you are entering your code in the right case.

If you still have problems, contact Customer Service.

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